I call it the 9/11 Hoax. I won't waste time going into it or offering links to anything other than one board in particular, because I think you either know what I'm talking about or will have no problem finding it in a google search. In a nutshell, these nuts basically are saying that the US Gov masterminded it, or perhaps a "shadow Gov" etc etc, but either way are, in effect trying to exhonerate Al Quaeda for the foul dark deeds. Also, there is a bunch of hokum over what hit the Pentegon. Most of these brainless dweebs seem to think it was some kind of missile and, on the whole, blame the US goverment for what happened. In other words, that not only did the Government masetermind and pull off this whole event but it was done for some sinister reason.
I'm sure many of you who follow the fringe element have come across this at one time or another. Allow me to let some of these Morons to speak for themselves:
Now, although Isis goes on like an emtpy coconut on the first page, check the posts by Zejith_Themis. Pay close attention to the swooping twists of logic in his cleverly worded posts.
He's not trying to get to the Truth, he's trying to spread Disinformation. Now, I can understand ignorance but the ignorant generally, when faced with the truth, tend to ammend their errors. Not these people. These people aren't ignorant, they are malicious. Disinformation in the Alternative media is something that I have been trying to follow for some time now and it's not getting any easier.
Now, My Freaky Darlins, you know me. I can believe that there was a plot to Kill Kennedy. I can believe that there are things in our ancient History that are not yet fully understood. I am even open to the idea that, yes, there are indeed UFO's and that Aliens, for some perverted reason, are coming all this way to stick probes up rural peoples asses.
This one, however, crosses the line. While on the surface it seems that these intellectual giants are trying to convincee the world that we did this to ourselves they are, actually, trying to exhonerate Al-Qaeda and that THAT I cannot stand.
Do I detect a chip on your shoulder the size of the grand fricken canyon, I think so! Looking at that thread what stands out the most it that you couldn't hack the debate and got your ass kicked - so you ran back home to mummy!
You want to talk about 911? Get your head outa your ass and look at ALL the facts not just the ones that suit your reality!
The whole thing stinks.
Actually, Sweet,
I do havea massive chip on my shoulder. There was no debate to hack, that fool kept repeating popular myth not facts. It is the hight of folly to debate a fool. No, I'm guessing that you're one of those America Bashers that Tony Blair was talking about that run ramptant in his country. Most likey suffering from a National Inferiority complex for having to eat Marmite and recieving poor dental service.
Oh no, better yet, they're one of those Americans that hate America out of some kind of white liberal guilt. Oooh that's even better.
Hey, Sweet you Moron! Of course he has a chip on his shoulder. They attacked his country and the world is running about blaming them, gloating over every bad thing that befalls them? I'd say he has a right to be pissed off.
Those explosions filmed when the tower is collapsing,..I suppose those were planted by terrorists too...no,...there are deffinitely explosions ,..so who set those? and the "terrorist" passport found sitting on top of the rubble,...how convenient, weren't some of the reported "terrorists" found to be still alive?!? WAKE UP FOOLS!
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